Hennes: The Mascot of 1. FC Köln
Hennes VIII retired due to health reasons, meaning a well-deserved break from his FC activities. Hennes IX has taken over his place as club mascot.
At the official season opening on 4th Augst 2019, Hennes IX was presented to the FC fans for the first time. The goat from the "Bunte Deutsche Edelziege" breed was born on 24th February 2018 at the Biolandhof Dörmann in Petershagen-Ilse (close to Minden). Since August 2018, he has lived in Köln Zoo. He has received all the necessary vaccines and medical clearances to allow him to leave the Zoo without problem.
From his appearance of the long horns, Hennes IX is similar to Hennes I - the goat that was gifted to 1. FC Köln on 13th February 1950 from Circus Williams, when the tradition began. Hennes IX will grow to be noticeably bigger than his predecessor, Hennes VIII.
Hennes IX celebrated his debut against Borussia Dortmund on 23rd August 2019.