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Jan Thielmann stays


After relegation into the 2. Bundesliga, Jan Thielmann will remain with 1. FC Köln despite a clause in his contract and will be part of the side in the second tier next season.

Jan Thielmann said: “The disappoint about getting relegated is still there. For that reason especially, it was important to have clarity heading into next season. I pushed any offers to the back of my mind in order to give FC a clear signal as quickly as possible. After the disappointment this season, everything must be done to give FC and the incredible fans here something positive to look forward to again. I see that as our most important task and will do everything to 100% to make that happen.”

FC Managing Director, Christian Keller said: “It speaks for Jan and his high-level identification with FC that he spoke in favour of staying at the club very quickly and with complete conviction. In the new season, we’ll need exactly that – high identification and conviction – to play successful football. Jan will be one of the lads that lead from the front.”