
The RheinEnergieSTADION is more than just the setting for the home matches of 1. FC Köln. It is like a second home. With one of the best atmospheres in all of Germany, it is an experience like no other.

The RheinEnergieSTADION is located in the Müngersdorf area of Cologne, at the same location as the previous Müngersdorfer Stadion. A new FC stadium was constructed in 1975, before the stadium of today was built between 2002 to 2004 in time for the FIFA World Cup in 2006.The rectangular form of the stadium with the four steel towers has become one of the symbols of the city. The pitch is considered one of the best in Germany.

Facts & Figures
The Way to the Stadium

Stadium Tour: A Tour filled with emotion

Take a tour through the RheinEnergieSTADION, the home of 1. FC Köln.

2. Bundesliga grau
Rewe grau
RheinEnergie farbig/grau
hummel farbig/grau
Hauptpartner DEVK grau (vergrößert)
Telekom farbig/grau
Ford farbig / grau
Gaffel farbig/grau
2. Bundesliga grau
Rewe grau
RheinEnergie farbig/grau